Saturday, May 29, 2010

Environment Day - Translation of the Poem by a Kannada Poet GSS


In the extension of the Bandipur forest land
Rare innocence shines in the eyes of  innumerable antelopes
Bubbling with life's enthusiasm.

Divine indifference is housed
In the herds of elephants
walking fearlessly
Like a moving mountains.

Valor idolized
in the bold stature of bisons
Erect with horns
Standing in this great forest.

The beauty of this universe is personified
In the dancing peacock opening  feathers suddenly
On the fresh green of this people free forest.

The values we all respect
Is safe in this forest

 - G. S. Shivarudrappa

in vijaya karnataka, Kannada daily on Environmental Day - 30 May.

a free translation just after reading, this morning.