Friday, September 4, 2020



Role of Teachers:

Three T's characterise teachers role. 

The first T is to Transmit information to his pupils. This is undoubtedly one of the major functions of a teacher. But, if the teacher restricts only to the transmission of information, it would be poor teaching. In this internet age there are better ways and means to obtain information much better way than from teacher's in the class room. 

The second T is  Transact, referring to interaction with the pupils, establish two way communication through discussion, question and answers and getting frequent feedbacks from students about how he/she has received the information. For, it is not how well the teacher has taught, the preparations of material, presentation with modern teaching aids, the language and diction facility one has - of course they are all most important - but what is even more important is how it has reached the pupils, and that can be obtained through periodic feedbacks. Sustaining pupil's attention and interest, to reach out to pupil's level with different examples that suits the pupil, all comes into play here. This is far better than the first T.

The third T is Transform. This is the ultimate goal of the teacher. What use is the information, however well communicated if it does not change him/her for a better person in perception and action. Transform the pupil to what he/she truly is. It involves the teacher along with pupil to help discover pupil's real talents, his/her unique qualities, and develop them and help them to be it in life. This alone gives the pupil real competence with ease and fetches in the process joy, satisfaction and fulfilment.  Creativity and innovation comes naturally to them. 

Many have known their talents but left it undeveloped thinking that something else other than him/her true talent is better in the world or due to any other pressure. Many have discovered their true nature, developed them too, but not in it/practice in life. Perhaps they are last in what others expect of him/her. Misery and inefficiency would be the result in such cases. Lucky are those who know what they are, develop themselves fully in it and be in the same occupation in life.

There is an interesting say on pupils learning which the teachers in all their humility better know:

acaryat padamadatte padah shishya svamedaya

padam sahbrahmacaribhyo padah kalakramenaca

one quarter they learn from teachers, another quarter from his own intelligence; third quarter from co-learners, and the last quarter as the time passes.